On going the proceedings of the NATO Conference for Synchronization and Transformation

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NATO Synchronization Transformation Conference continues the proceedings of its second day.  The Transformation Synchronization Conference is the annual gathering of Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation specialists from the NATO Commands, Member, Partner Nations and NATO, national and partner Training Institutions, to discuss the latest developments across the NATO Training Spectrum. The second day of this event was attended by the Chief of General Staff of Albanian Armed Forces Major General Jeronim Bazo who welcomed the participants in this conference.
Afterwards took place a news conference in which participated the Commander of the Training and Doctrine, General Brigadier Dede Prenga, Chief of Staff of Allied Command Transformation (ACT), Air Marshal Graham Stacey and Deputy Chief of Staff Joint Force Trainer, Vice Admiral Javier Gonzalez-Huix of the Spanish Navy.

General Brigadier Dede Prenga considered this conference as one of most important events regarding the education and training of military force. General Brigadier Dede Prenga on behalf of the Albanian FA said: "We are very privileged and valued that our country is hosting such an important event."

Both NATOS senior militaries praised the hospitality and organization of this conference from our country. "It is a pleasure and privilege also that we are all here, and in a hosting country like Albania, which has organized this very important and very successful event." - said Air Marshal Graham Stacey.

"I want to emphasize how grateful we are for Albania that had made possible the organization of this conference. Thank you Albania for such a successful organization of this conference, which is our sixth conference, but is the first time that is takes place in Albania "- Said  Deputy Chief of Staff Joint Force Trainer, Vice Admiral Javier Gonzalez-Huix of the Spanish Navy.
When he was asked about the proposal of the Minister of Defence, Mrs. Kodheli concerning the establishment of a NATO center of excellence for foreign fighters in our country, the Air Marshal Graham Stacey said that they are open to any proposal. "Of course we are open to any suggestion. But the further development of these centers of excellence and their establishment is a decision that belongs to the NATO policies. After taking such a decision, whatever it is, we will continue our cooperation with Albania, to help you in every aspect. "- He said.

The Transformation Synchronization Conference format has been adapted to incorporate more key Education and Training participants with the aim of achieving better synchronization. This event is not only a conference at itself but is designed in such a way to bring together meetings of the right people to discuss relevant NATO issues so as to increase cooperation and coordination between different levels of Education and Training.
NATO's three-day Synchronization and Transformation Conference, which is being held in the premises of Hotel Tirana International, closes tomorrow the proceedings, March 3.

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