Second day of Minister’s Kodheli participation in the Defence Ministerial in Brussel

On the second day of remarks of Defence Ministerial Meeting in Brussel, Defence ministers addressed the issue of stability project beyond the borders of NATO.  Ministers focused on the support that could NATO give to the global coalition against - ISIS, NATO activities in the Aegean Sea ", the strengthening of security in the partner countries such as Iraq, the situation in Afghanistan and on the mission" Resolute Support " and its perspective.

Defence Minister Mrs. Kodheli highlighted the role of our country in the global coalition against ISIS and expressed willingness to continue the contributions in this regard. Minister Kodheli expressed the optimism regarding the commitment that NATO will undertake in Iraq, as this will help countries like Albania to realize their contribution to the training of Iraqi Security Forces. Regarding this issue, the Secretary General Stoltenberg supported the conclusions of Albania and guaranteed that NATO will continue to create an environment of stability wherever is engaged.

In relation to the activities in the Aegean Sea ", including the NATO mission, the Minister emphasized that Albania has formalized its bid to join this mission with its assets of her Naval Force. Regarding NATO's mission "Resolute Support" in Afghanistan, Ms. Kodheli underlined that Albania is expected to double the participation of military troops very soon.

At the end of her speech, the minister focused in the region of Western Balkans. Recalling the signing of the protocol of accession to the Alliance by Montenegro as a success of NATO open door policy and the Alliance's ability to project stability, Mrs. Kodheli urged NATO to continue to focus on this region and to enhance cooperation with all countries in the region.

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