The Ministers Bushati and Kodheli join the women of Shkodra on the 8th of March


Minister Kodheli and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bushati were in Shkodra on this 8 March to have a conversation with women and talk about the role of women in society.

During her speech, the Defence Minister expressed her consideration for Shkodra’s woman and what it represented over the years. She named certain of them directly in the auditorium: "I feel flattered seeing beside me today honorable ladies such as Paskualina, Dituria, Valdete, Mirela, Shpresa, Emiliana, successful professionals in their fields, real ladies in life, honored and respected everywhere, as all as all of you present in this hall. From the bottom of my heart I truly believe that you are the most outstanding, significant and meaningful example for every young man and woman from Shkodra and why not from all Albania. " - said Kodheli.

Kodheli did not forget to give the deserved importance to the problems that the Albanian woman faces in her daily life: "Although we now live a better life and have more choices than our parents, we still face many cultural, social and obviously economic problems. Today, women work equally compared to men, but they are paid less. Women carry the main burden in the family, but are often beaten in their homes and often lose their lives. Although we live in a masculinist society, I believe that Shkodra is the best example of emancipation. Your presence here today shows this, but this is not enough, how do women and girls live outside this auditorium? Are we going back, in some cases or areas, in the medieval obscurantism? The obituaries are filled with family crime cases, as if women are the biggest enemy of men. What about education? Do women and girls have the same access to education as their brothers? Do they have the same ambition for progress, independence, emancipation? Do they fear what men fear? I think that all these questions and many others like them have a sad answer actually: No." - outlined the Minister.

In the context of women's emancipation in society and the equality she deserves with men, Minister Kodheli brought the latest example of the Armed Forces, the first female General appointed in Albania: "When I told the military men that I would soon appoint a female General, they responded that I would be spending a long time as Minister, until that day arrived. But I finally managed to appoint a female as General, the first in the history of Modern Albania. I proposed this appointment to the President on October 31, the day of Resolute 1325 of the United Nations, that speaks about women's rights " -  the minister added during her speech. At the end of her speech she thanked Minister Bushati who made this meeting possible.

After thanking the ladies for their presence and contribution, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bushati brought to attention the Rozafa legend, the legend of a woman’s sacrifice: "It is thanks to her sacrifice that the Shkodra Castle still stands today. It’s like the whole genesis of this city lies on the woman. It is no accident that many of the honored Albanian women personalities have emerged from this land. Numerous personalities have emerged from Shkodra but their contribution to culture would not be complete if they weren’t noble women from Shkodra. To fight for women's rights means to fight for human rights. "The battle for women's rights must not only be their battle. In our roots lies the respect between man and woman, so sometimes it’s worth to look back and see the past. You must choose to become the heroine of your life and not its victim”, said Minister Bushati.

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