The New Chief of General Staff takes over the task

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The ceremony of taking over the office by the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Bardhyl Kollçaku was carried out at the premises of the Ministry of Defense.

The Minister of Defense, Mimi Kodheli, generals, directors, senior military officers of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, guests and military attaches accredited to our country, family members and relatives etc., were present at this ceremony.

The ceremony began with the reception of the honor guard body and the review of the Defense Minister and Brigadier General Kollcaku.

Subsequently, Minister Kodheli read the decree of the President of the Republic of Albania on the appointment of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, followed by the handover ceremony.

Thereafter, in the premises of the Ministry of Defense, Minister of Defense Mrs. Mimi Kodheli and the new Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Bardhyl Kollçaku delivered their speeches.

In her speech, Minister of Defense, Mimi Kodheli called this an important moment for the military structure as well as for all men and women working in this important security environment.

"General Kollcaku is a natural product of the career of an Albanian military men. This outstanding military officer with 35-years in military uniform has held important duties in our structures as well as at international headquarters, "continued Minister Kodheli.

Minister Kodheli did not forget to thank all the military with whom she collaborated during her four years at the head of the Ministry of Defense. "This is the last time I take part in such an extended activity with you as Minister of Defense. During these four years I have tried and experienced a unique experience. I've known people, women and men from whom I learned a lot. I learned that the military are people of sacrifice, selflessness, people who love their homeland, love the flag. "

Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Bardhyl Kollcaku said that he was very privileged to exercise the duty of the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces. "The development of the Armed Forces is a continuous process in the framework of the consolidation and advancement of the Albanian state. The Armed Forces will continue to work to fulfill the goals of the government by achieving standards to Alliance requirements and professionally performing the commitments and obligations that we have in missions within NATO and international organizations, "said General Kollçaku.

Further, General Kollçaku emphasized that the priority of his work will be the improvement of the legal and doctrinal framework, at all levels and areas, in accordance with the competencies and responsibilities of the Armed Forces.

Brigadier General Bardhyl Collollaku is the 25th chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces since their creation in 1912.


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