Address Minister Kodheli at the International Conference “Five years of NATO Membership"

Honourable Ph.D Rakipi,
Honourable Your Exellencies Ambassadors,
Honourable Chief of General Staff,
Honourable Members of the Albanian Parliament,
Honourable friends,

Allow me first, to express my appreciation for the Albanian Institute of International Studies for organizing such a conference, which follows a series of events organized on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Albanian’s NATO membership.

I would like to thank you PhD. Rakipi for the invitation, as well as for the opportunity given to me to address an audience of this level. I really feel honoured and privileged.

It should be noted, whenever it comes to NATO, both before and now that we are full members in this organization, the Albanian political class finds itself united, in spite of the party affiliations. And this is really encouraging.

Our presence in this hall today is a proof of that. Each one of us, and I am convinced of that, would very much like this happen on many other events, which are really important for the country and for the future of our citizens, who have trusted us the governing of the country.

There is no doubt that NATO membership, as a product of a long work and a number of required reforms for a democratic country, marked an historic achievement for Albania on its long path to put behind the 20th century misfortunes, as well as the lengthy and imposed isolation.

Through this act, the Albanians confirmed with full pride their return to the West. NATO membership, through an unprecedented public consensus and support, constitutes a milestone in the democratization of the country, thus opening the perspective for a better future for Albanians, making our country part of the family of civilized nations and Western democracies.

In a wider context, Albania’s membership was evidence of the enlargement policy, skilfully implemented by NATO towards Eastern European countries in order to promote security and stability in a free and undivided Europe.

This process probably constitutes the most serious transformation in the European security landscape since the fall of the Berlin Wall. It has been the most powerful encouragement to integration in the community of developed and democratic countries.

Certainly, being invited in this conference, in my capacity as Minister of Defence, regardless of the fact that NATO is a political and military organization, our thoughts go primarily to the Armed Forces, which have initially headed a long process of profound, comprehensive and tough reforms of transformation, which date back to the signing of Partnership for Peace to further continue with Membership Action Plan, followed by the full membership to the Alliance.

This period, though longer compared to other countries, served to our Armed Forces, and not only to them, to shape a new approach towards NATO, to closely interact with Allies, and to participate in NATO-led multinational operations. Throughout this period, Albania demonstrated that it was a reliable partner of the Alliance by undertaking a wide spectrum of reforms, which went beyond the Armed Forces that have undoubtedly turned into the safe bridge connecting Albania with NATO.  

In such activities, we will never cease expressing my profound gratitude, and of the Government I represent, to all friendly and ally countries that have supported Albania integration into NATO since the very beginning.

Allow me to highlight the comprehensive assistance of the United States of America, our strategic and irreplaceable ally.
In this fifth anniversary, we have all the legitimate right to fell not only proud for the Alliance we belong to, but also committed and motivated, like never before, to be up to the level of dignity, to stop once and for all the misuse of our Armed Forces by the politics.

Recent cases have shown that it has not been renounced yet the exercising of the political pressure towards the military. The time of political pressure on the Armed Forces and personnel of the Ministry of Defence has ended. Our vision for the military will always be based only on professional criteria and moral integrity. We will restore the lacking dignity of the Armed Forces, and we will not allow statements for political use and benefit to harm the new image we are creating.

Seen on the regional point of view, NATO membership has provided to Albania a greater place and role in the international relations, thus making it feasible to play a key role for the security, peace and stability in the Balkans, Mediterranean, Europe and beyond.  

As an important stakeholder in a number of regional initiatives, Albania remains determined to play an even greater role by intensifying cooperation with the countries of the region, aiming the further strengthening of the existing framework of cooperation among counties of the region, established through great efforts.
In this context, we will not stop supporting the attempts of Kosovo in their path of regional and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Honourable participants,

Albania, alongside with Croatia, is nowadays, the newest NATO country. Meanwhile, this year marks NATO’s 65th anniversary of foundation. While we celebrate the fifth anniversary of NATO membership, Russia with its actions in Crimea and Ukraine, has discarded the book which regulates international relationship in Europe and beyond.

Today, more than ever, as Russia-Ukraine crises constitutes a very serious moment for the Alliance, it is important to maintain the unity of action, the solidarity and credibility of the Alliance. Never before the strengthening of the Transatlantic connections have never been so relevant to NATO, as it is today.

While we discuss future challenges, it can be said that they are multifaceted plans. Firstly, Albania as one of the NATO members in the region, through supporting the “open-door policy” should commit itself to the integration of the Balkan countries in the Euro-Atlantic structures. I am convinced that peace, stability and economic prosperity of the region are not only inseparable, but also the only security of NATO, based on its values and principles, which can only be achieved through cooperation.

By integrating in the Alliance community the Balkans countries, which are not part of it yet, I strongly believe that the Alliance will become a larger group of countries sharing the same values on the collective defence. This area is our continuity. This is absolutely our path. We share the same European values and we have the same goals for the future.

The Government is working hard, so that our NATO membership might encourage the economic and political stable development. In the military aspect, Albania has to, and we are committed to this, face the challenge of an ongoing transformation process, thus responding to the challenges the Alliance faces today.

The increase of the Ministry of Defence budget will be the aim of my work and of the Government. From a political perspective, NATO membership is a strong motive to undertake continuous political and economic reforms in order to accomplish the common goal, obtaining the status of the candidate country to the European Union. This is a common obligation for our entire political class. We should do this together. It is the only way to give the deserved value to our NATO membership.

Thank You.

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